Tuesday, November 25, 2008

this blog is so that i can update you all on the adventures in my life. and to share the cool things that are going on in my life with you.

This summer at Camp Silversides went really well with lots of ups and a few downs but overall it was spectacular because God did amazing things in my life and I got to hangout with some pretty awesome kids and share some sweet moments with them.
In June I took a leave of absence from my position as a porter at the Red Deer Regional Hospital to help out at Camp Silversides for the summer. Since then things have changed and I will not be going back portering. But will work for our family's building company to make money for my next adventure I feel God is leading me to.
I am also taking a couple of courses at the Red Deer College, adult ballet (because I have always wanted to learn ballet) and conversation Spanish 4. Let’s hope I did not pick too hard of a Spanish class.
Anyways, this is the real reason that I am writing this. Is that I am leaving to go to Bolivia in January for about 4 months to work in a home for abandoned children in Santa Cruz. What my ministry duties will look like I am not quite sure just yet, but they will be similar to that of a nanny for these abandoned children. I would love for you to be involved with this missions work through your support both spiritually, emotionally and financially.

The total cost is approximately $5,795.00 this breaks down to approximately $1,448.75 per month for room, board and expenses. If you would like to help me out financially you can do that by sending your support to…

Evangelical free church of Canada Missions (EFCCM)
Box 850 Langley Stn LCD 1
Langley, BC
Canada V3A 8S6

With WESTER LAURA #2-2997
clearly marked on a separate piece of paper. If you would prefer donating by credit card you can do so by going to the EFCCM web site at www.efccm.org click on donations and follow the steps.

i hope to keep you all updateted on my life onver the next few months and years to come.

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