Sunday, January 25, 2009

On Monday night I moved to the place where I will live for the rest of my time in Bolivia. It’s a big house with a pool and we have a maid during the week. My house is just down the street from a grocery store I have shopped there a few times now.

I am learning to cook new things the other day I made coconut rice with garlic, I had leftovers and we do not have a microwave so with the leftovers I made rice pudding just by adding some cinnamon, cloves and sugar it was really good, and Saturday I made pasta, the noodles I used were these really tiny bowties it was very good but I ate to much.

My cold turned in to more of a stomach thing with the trots for a few days. But I am feeling much better now and just have a bit of a cough.

On Thursday I went to week after being sick for like a week. It was a good day I went to the park with the Girls we had fun. Friday they made pizzas again and I got them to make one for me with out cheese, I may have that for Sunday lunch. Friday I went to the park with the boys it went well to start with but then they started fighting and annoying each other and throwing dirt I told them several times to stop or we would go back to the house they sort of listened but I ended up with a handful of dirt in my face so that ended the outing at the park.

Saturday I caught up with e-mails and such and I was going to go to youth but warren cant find the keys to the land rover so they took the bikes to youth so there was not room for me and I have no idea how to get there in a taxi so I stayed home and watched Marley and Me, my roommate owns it. Here is a side note, most if not all of the movies that you can buy here in Bolivia are burned disks. Such a warm night my father would love it here, as I do I love the heat but I miss the snow and sleigh rides, and warm fires and singing. Oh well I really can’t complain it’s not worth it and I am enjoying myself here.

I have seen so many cool things here like giant toads in holes in the middle of the side walk, amazing flowers that smell so interesting, markets like you can’t imagine.

Oh here is a cool thing that I am thrilled about, but there is a bit of a story behind this so I will start at the beginning….. Ok so when I was is Argentina I came across these green gummies and fell in love with them they are flavoured eucalyptus and I think that they are just the best thing, my friends at school thought that they were gross but I love them, which is about the only think that I really missed from Argentina. And they don’t have the in Canada at least not that I have found (so sad) anyways I found them here and bought a whole bag of them they are like the best kind of gummies I have ever found and you probably thinking eucalyptus yuk but that’s ok, I like them and that’s what matters, and they are GREEN. Woohoo

The sun burn that I got the other day when we went to the pool with the kids is finally peeling but its mostly just my back where I have not been diligent with lotion, my knees which where burned the worst have not peeled yet and I hope that they don’t. its like the weirdest thing my arms are so much darker that my stomach so when I put my arm across my torso I look like tow different people its awkward but I am slowly fixing this emphasis on the slowly, I do not want to burn like I did last time.

This morning I slept in some and have not done much I studied some Spanish and read a little and watched Cinderella in Spanish, though it’s a Sunday there is no church because Bolivia is having a vote for the new constitution so every thing is closed. People are very riled up about the vote, I think most people don’t want it to go through but the government may have enough money to make it go through, I am praying that Gods will be done in this situation.

I am loving it here and am thrilled about the things that God is doing in my life. I am reading so many amazing books, about how to be a woman of God. I feel as though I lack so much in the area of being quintessently feminine and yet being motivated to succeeding and rise to the top in a male orientated world. I want to fill the womanly roll that God lays out for us ladies in the bible.

Thank you all for praying for me and supporting me in this adventure in my life. I am so blessed to have you all in my life, you truly have no idea how much I appreciate all of you.

In other news….. I ask that you would pray for my aunt Debbie she has been battling cancer for a while now and was doing better but the Doctors have found a tumour in her brain, the tumour is in the center of her brain so operating is not possible they are trying to shrink it with chemo and other drugs but I would ask that you pray for complete healing for her. And pray for her husband as well as this is a time of uncertainty.

If you read this (my blog) on a regular basis please become a fan so that I know people are counting on me to keep it up dated.

I am usually online Saturday and Sundays during the day. If you send me messages on face book or e-mail me I probably won’t respond till the weekend but pleas do message me. I want to here what is going on in your life.

1 comment:

Mom / Dad said...

Just seeing if I can copy and paste from a program that has spell checker and yes you can. I think you should try it. Love Dad.